Thursday, October 14, 2004

Satur-Day & Night (Or Why I love Living Alone)

So... I spent the W.H.O.L.E. damn morning lolling around, catching up on two weeks' worth of sleep, attempting to catch up on my reading, watching movies on TV, and generally makin myself as unproductive as possible. The only two constructive things I did all morning were open the door for my cleaning lady to enter, and cooking myself brunch.

And so, I waddled in to work late afternoon, not wanting to, but definitely needing to. Grumpy, reluctant, and way too relaxed to work, it was all I could do to not shout out loud when I discoverd server maintenance going on! Yippee!! But I was up already, and so I kindly consented to drop my extremely musical genius friend off at the airport. (I must confess here, that I nearly went off to Cochin myself, but restrained myself remarkably!)

And back I was, at 6:15 pm, with nothing to do, and absolutely loving every minute of that joy. I waded through some more reading, I dozed a bit more, and then I had some chocolate. But best of all, I steadfastly refused all offers of a saturday night out, and watched my favourite man do his wonders on When Nature Calls!

That was till He called though. Birthday party, he said. So I got out of my torn boxers, and into something more presentable, and got myself picked up at 10:15 pm. One bottle of beer "for the road", tons of laughter and 45 minutes later, we arrived. At the Crocodile Bank - a reptile park about 30 km from town. For a birthday party!

And we hung around, dancin the street tangos, and Him drinking by the gallon, till the hosts decided they needed to retire. But heyyyy, we weren't done yet!! So off we took, driving along the most picturesque, most beautiful, most smooth East Coast Road. Doing the things we normally do, but interspersed with long bouts of silence, we drove along. And along, and along. Till at 4:30 am, we arrived... AT PONDICHERRY!!! Ha ha ha ha... I love my life.

Well, we looked around for places to stay, we checked a couple of hotels out, but two were full up, and one said they didn't take registrations till 7 am. So we went to this place that people said were open all night. And we found that they did indeed have rooms. But did we take 'em? Certainly not!! What we did instead was smooth-talk everyone that wasn't asleep, into giving us two bottles of beer, and off we took again!!

So there we were, at 5 am, clutching two bottles of beer, quite pooped from two hours of travel. So we hit the rocky beaches of Pondi, and sat there, the two of us, watching the sunrise, leaning on each others' shoulders, and sipping our beer. It was a gorgeously pretty sunrise, and i must admit quite shocking myself at drinking that early in the day. But hey... there's always a first time!!! :)

And so we drove back at 8, and got back into the Croc Bank, to sleep and awaken among the peaceful environs of the place. His turned out alright, but I awoke to a Sand Boa on my belly!!!Sigh... it was absolutely the best Saturday night of my life. Granted, it only ended on the afternoon of the Sabbath, but those are the privileges of living alone!!

I love my life!!!
