Thursday, January 13, 2005


Amongst other things that I have discovered about myself, I have discovered that I am a lot like my hair.

Perfectly straight...
No doubt about that one!!

...But still quirky.
No matter what length my hair is, it is perfectly straight till the end, when the right half curls inwards and the left, outwards. I'm a bit of a rebel meself.

Au natural...
My natural hair colour is a gorgeous brown-black that companies have been trying to emulate (in vain) all their lives. I also love the brownness of my skin.

...But artificial.
I think I am quite a nice person inside, and I have no idea sometimes, why I put on the acts I do. Just as I sometimes don't understand why I coloured my hair.

My style and length changes often. Very often.

...But classic.
They're never wild. I'm a bit of a traditionalist that way.

My hair never looks or acts the same on any two consecutive days.

...But passable
And it still manages to carry itself well.

But most amazing of all, it reflects the way I feel. Unfailingly. Every day. If I'm happy, it's glossy and sits well. If I'm down, it's limp and weak (even if I've only just washed it). If I'm carefree, it grows big and surrounds my head like a happy, nice-smelling aura. And don't even ASK what happens when I'm grumpy...

Today, it's absurd, haphazard and kind of out-of-sorts. With a little TLC, it could turn out really awesome.

Well, it's the start of a long weekend, so perhaps there's still some hope!
