Wednesday, January 12, 2005


There is a certain definite charm about chivalrous men. More specifically, men who are chivalrous without being apparently chivalrous. Without trying.

There is something really quaint about having a door opened for you, or someone waiting till you're seated before sits down, or someone listening in rapt but not obsequious attention, with regular polite nods of the head.

I don't expect that people do this for me each time I go out. That would really be asking too much, because, save for two people, all my friends are male. Expecting all those boys to do all these nice things for "one-of-the-guys" is expecting the moon on a stick. And in any case, I think I do a fine enough job of being a male myself!

I had the pleasure of meeting yesterday, a genuinely charming, naturally chivalrous, thorough gentleman. We went out to dinner, and beginning with the time he picked me up, I was pleasantly surprised at regular intervals, by someone who possessed real old-world charm. Don't get me wrong - he was funny, hip, suave, and very modern - not a fuddy-duddy like I painted him to be. It was just really, really pleasing to see a wicked sense of humour join hands with traditional charm.

(I know I'm overdoing that word - charm - but that's really what he exuded.)

No, it wasn't a date, but yes, I wish it had been. And yes, he was very, very good looking.
