Friday, January 07, 2005

The Making of My Poverty

I love animals. In all shapes, all sizes, all forms. It is my dream to live in a house filled with dogs, cats, me and my husband. In my house growing up, I’ve had pets that ranged from rabbits to guinea pigs, to cats, to white mice, to turtles, to fish, to dogs, to calves.

I could have adopted a dog as a pet now, but it wouldn’t be fair. To it, I mean. After all, I live alone, and the poor creature wouldn’t have anyone at all to be with. To top all of which, it’s not even a large place – kinda tiny actually – so it won’t have anything to do but keep pissing and shitting all over.

So I got myself a cat a couple of months ago. You know… all that jazz about cats being independent, self-reliant creatures, which enter when you enter, leave when you leave. I found her at the ATM, and called her... Cash. (I mean, what else does one NORMALLY find at an ATM, huh?)

Cash loved me from the moment I set eyes on her. First off, she let me pick her up outside the ATM, something she didn’t even let the guard there do in all that time. Then she came home, meow-ed at me a bit, drank all (and more) of the milk I gave her, and promptly jumped into my lap for a nap.

Yea, I did all those normal sweet things of setting up a sleeping basket, a shitting basket (complete with mud and all), a food bowl and a water bowl. But over the course of the night, she proceeded to shit all over my floor cushions (re-ee-eee-eeee-ally stinky. It took me four days of incense to get rid of it), and then jumped onto my bed and curled up at my waist.

When I threw her out the next day (on my way to work), she waow-ed at me in hurt and disgust, ran up the stairs, and disappeared. When I returned however, I didn’t even have to call out – she was waiting, curled up on my doormat. (I know… awwww!)

Well, two days later, the neighbours complained. Turns out Cash had waited on my doorstep all day, meow-ed loudly at intervals, and driven the dog upstairs crazy, each time he passed our floor. When one lady on my floor tried to chase her away, Cash ran into the same lady’s house, and jumped on her sofa.

My adorable cat.

So two days after, I took her to the Blue Cross, and set her down. She jumped down, and ran to my car. It took me forty five minutes to convince her to allow the BC guy to carry her, and then I took off. I couldn’t even say a proper bye, although I talked to her all the way, in my car.

I wept through for five hours, by the sea. And I hadn’t spent more than three days with that cat. She was amazing. She was intelligent, and smart, and clean, and she loved me.

I didn’t like getting rid of my cash.
