Friday, October 15, 2004


If there were any words stronger than hate, despise, detest, loathing, spurn, contemn, abhor, curse, disdain, etc... well then that would be what I feel for this shit-hole I call my workplace.

I am yet to come across a place where people are more concerned about their own growth and egos, than about the actual progress of the company. Where kissing ass and sucking up will get you further than hard work. Where people are openly unprofessional, to the extent of passing the buck when their asses are on fire.

I have given myself an extension of two weeks. Two weeks in which I must find myself another job, another place where I might perhaps be regarded as a professional, and not just an enemy who never kisses ass. Because, you see, I don't. I am not into stroking egos.

And I'm not into stroking fat bulls' dicks either. Which, incidentally, I was asked to do. Not in so many words, of course. But I was propositioned for sure, and assured speedy growth in the company, should I consent to late night meetings at his apartment.

Of course I rejected him. Not only because he was an overly-adiposed homo sapien, but also because things like that are simply not done. In this organisation, or any other. Work is work, and pleasure is pleasure... and ideally, never the twain shall meet.

Sadly though, the reality is otherwise. We don't have an anti-harassment board (I mean, the ones who're qualified to be on that committee are the same ones that err, so...!!) I don't have a female colleague I can go to (the only female I know has slept her way to the top, so...!!) And I don't have the spinelessness to agree to this shit either.

Life is miserable, and the shame, degradation and humiliation have finally found their way to me. If the company was looking for a way to make me crumble, they have found it. The chink in my armour has been detected, and the spear has pierced. My ego can stand it no longer, and my conscience is no longer clear. I don't feel good about being associated with this place, and I no longer wish to be so. My reputation has been needlessly sullied, and there is no way I can fix things any more.

Two weeks. That's all I've got.
