Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Life. Or something like it.

It's been playing on my mind lately. What am I doing with my life? Where am I headed, and what is the Plan that Destiny has in store for me? How best do I influence destiny herself, and head where I want to head?

Talking of which, where is it that I want to head? I have so much now - careers, friends, lovers, family, money. But I'm still left with an emptiness inside me that needs to be filled. And I realised this much yesterday:

I'm a person who's happiest while giving. The more I give, the happier I am; the less I give, the guiltier I am. Yes, even if I really have nothing to be guilty about.

And so what I want to do, is volunteer. I want to give of my time, my efforts, and my mind for others. Not for myself - just for others. I want to head to a disaster zone and volunteer for disaster relief. I want to help the childern in Sudan, the people in Haiti, the women in Afghanistan. I want to be with Doctors Without Borders, with The Red Cross, with so many groups of amazing individuals who are selfless and giving.

I want to be like them.

It's the time in my life where I can afford to, y'know. I mean, I'm healthy, I'm mobile, I'm smart (!) and I have no committments. It's the time that I must use to give to others. And give I must.

Pointers, anyone? I'd be eternally grateful.
