Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Sex kept me up last night

Hah... gotcha there, didn't I? No, I wasn't having it... I was talking about it.

From 10:30 pm till 1:30 am, I was on the phone with one of my closest buddies in Chennai. Amongst several varied topics such as credit cards, loans, financial institutions, nail polish, pretty feet, head massages, eucalyptus oil, dentists, fruits and breakfasts, we also spent a considerable time talking about sex. Not discussing the technicalities or the methods... we were merely discussing the different varieties thereof.

We weren't having a debate, and we certainly weren't trying to hook up with each other. He's very happily dating somebody, and I'm very happily single, so no doubts there, no sir. We were merely having a conversation - a very intellectual (interesting) conversation - on sex.

Things like, do you call it 'making love', 'having sex', or 'intercourse'? How does an emotional connection with your partner make it different from just a pure physical attraction? Is it possible for women to disconnect the act from the feeling?

We came up with many logical explanations, and many theories. But that apart, I'd like your opinions too. What do you think :

1. Is it possible for two people to have a physical relationship without the commitments that it brings normally, and still remain only friends?

2. Do women like that exist (to your knowledge) in India?

3. Would you treat the women who can differentiate between the physical act and the emotional attachment, differently? As in, would you "classify" them?

I'll let you know what I think, later...
