Monday, October 25, 2004

Show me the way to the next vodka bar

Surds are hot. Did you know that? They're very hot.

I went away on a two-day sojourn to Pondicherry, with a hot Surd I met at the Hash runs. He's also, incidentally, pretty well qualified - a financial consultant by profesison and all - and a smooth talker. I like. Thankfully though, the chemistry's faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from alive, and honestly, I'd prefer to keep things that way. My priorities have changed now, but we'll save that topic for another post.

So anyway, when you go away with a man who you KNOW will not violate you (and more importantly, whom you will not violate), it makes even the start of your holiday so much more enjoyable. I was able to let loose and have a blast, and even get pissed drunk, without ever a doubt that I would do anything I didn't want to.

And in two days, I managed to pack in a Freedom Jam, several walks by the sea, several trips to quaint coffee shops, several walks down charming little lanes, two Bacardi Breezers, and two quarters of vodka. Which must be more than I've EVER drunk in my life.

My liver's still floating around in a sea of Smirnoff, gently hiccupping every now and then.

And I light my incense, inhale natural aromas, and sit down to write in my comfy new clothes, on divine handmade paper, by all the teracotta-ware that I now own.

Sigh. I love this city.
