Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Into the sunset we rode...

I also went around with my riding instructor. An extremely good-looking descendant of a royal family, he had one of the best bodies I have ever seen in my life. He was tall, muscular, perfect weight-wise, very VERY strong, and generally sexy. And he had dignity and bearing - two things that really turn me on in a man.

He would also absolutely shower me with attention, in a very flippant manner. Meaning to say that treating people like princesses literally came naturally to him. As did charm, courtesy, chivalry and all those things that women crave for in a man. It wasn't like he had to try to impress me - all the things that impressed me were ingrained in him.

But nothing can be perfect, no? Hell, if he were in any case, I'd still be with him now. No, he just didn't understand English very well. Oh he spoke it fluently et al, but he would use the bare minimum vocabulary, and get by brilliantly.

I love the English language, and all its little nuances. I love playing on words and frequently pepper my conversations with sarcasm and (what I like to think are) witticisms. And yea, we used to kiss a helluva lot, but man... you've got to take a break to talk sometime, don't you? And we would never be able to talk. Coz he didn't get most of what I said, and I constantly had to dumb meself down.

His most frequently-used word around me was "Mins?"

We went out seven months. Seven extremely exciting months with a person who enjoyed doing most of what I did too. Seven months of riding horseback into greenery and jungle, and doing "what young couples in love do". Seven months of pampering, and seven months of sharing everything.

He gifted me a horse, and I gifted him a horse. He gifted me perfume, I gifted him a cell phone. He bought me flowers, clothes, lingerie. I bought him clothes, shaving kits (including the then-brand-new Mach III) and boxers. He held my hand while I got my eyebrow pierced and I nursed him back to health when he fell seriously ill.

We were a bloody good couple, I tell you. In the end though, we just had to go our own ways - I studied further and he went away to Australia. From where, I must admit, he has called me several times.

Now we're such good friends, we exchange relationship woes. Tsk tsk... such a pity. Such a pity.

PS: He wouldn't have understood all the words in red.
