Monday, February 21, 2005

(Whatever you do) Don't do that

Then of course there were people that I was completely enamored by, but who didn’t last my list longer than a week; people on whose list I didn’t last longer than a week either. Well, there certainly wasn’t the quantity I make it out to be, but ooh baby, was there quality or WAS THERE QUALITY.

Off the cuff, I can recollect two: One boy in my 12th standard Mathematics supplementary course was the epitome of cuteness (then an important prerequisite). We bumped into each other at an inter-school literary and cultural fest, and spent every minute of the next four days together. We’d compete in open events together, we’d compete against each other, we’d cheer each other, and do corny things like dedicate songs at the Jukebox to coined names for each other (gasp! reveal our real names?! And let our friends know??! Gasp!!). Ooh… he was awesome... just the stuff teenage dreams were made of.

But the most memorable was a tad more recent than that. *grin* we met online, on a public site (a blog, if you must know). I bypassed his first couple of comments, but he grew fairly err… un-ignorable after that. We began some serious mother-ass flirting in the comments box of this one particular blog. Like dudes… hello…! Get a room!!

So we did. We shifted base to email. Oh… did I forget to mention we were still using pseudonyms? The next week or ten days were a flurry of emails. We’d send anywhere between five and twenty emails a day, and we’d carry on multiple threads of conversation simultaneously.

He was awesome. He was one of the first people I’d met who could make me laugh, think and blush. He tickled my mind, he gave me shivers down my spine, and he made me want to wake up every morning. (Ever had that feeling? It’s awesome. There’s nothing cooler than to look forward to a certain someone each day)

And I took the plunge. Not only did I give him my name, I gave him my number, and we exchanged photographs.

So. Bloody. Hot.
So. Extremely. Bloody. Hot.

So let’s just go over the list again, ok? Intelligent, smart, charming, witty, listener with good looks. Sounds too good to be true, no?

Well, it was. Too good to be true, I mean. He stopped mailing me. In fact, he just about stopped everything. He pretty much disappeared off the face of this earth, with all of my contact information in tow. Scary? Naah… he was harmless as a fly. And very trustworthy. (Yes, I consider myself capable of judging him coz I think I knew him well, albeit briefly. Well enough to know this much at least.)

But I tell you, what we had, it was furiously tempestuous. This boy, he was higher than 15 on the Richter scale… he completely rocked my world.

PS: Title of post courtesy Shania Twain
