Friday, March 04, 2005

I Love you, Mr. C

As Finance Minister for the country, he has boldly done what no man has done before. He has saved Reveur money. Oh yes, that is good news.

It has taken me three days to get over the good news, stop partying, stop spending all that money I should be saving, and post about his wonderful new budget.

Basically, as a tax payer (as a female tax payer), I’m now going to be saving nearly 10K each year on taxes. My mother apparently thinks that translates into her getting something for herself each year, but we’ll shatter that illusion sometime later, heh heh.

I followed this year’s Budget very closely, and I’m glad I did. Yes, there are some aspects to it that I’m not too happy about personally (cigarettes prices will increase by ten percent!) but overall, I think he’s done a fabulous job of creating a neat, balanced Union Budget for the country.

Awesome. I’m going to have more liquid money. Party, anyone?
