Friday, March 04, 2005


My event went off stupendously, amazingly well. AR Rahman, and Prof Swaminathan, both gentlemen of great repute whom I greatly admire, were guests of honour at the ceremony. I chatted at length with both of them, and was completely awed by the sheer genius of one, and the immense knowledge of the other. Small and humbled I was, but also thoroughly kicked, because one told me I had “expressive eyes” and the other said I had a “charming smile”. Yay!

I goofed up BIG time, in that I didn't hand my boss his prepared Vote of Thanks speech till five minutes prior to his walking up on stage, and he was FURIOUS. Y'see, he's not much of a reader, but he can deliver a mean impromptu speech. But in any case, he wasn't too bugged later - he only mildly said that I should avoid that kind of confusion in the future. Whatta nice man, no?

I also won praise for the first time ever from my boss, who said he was extremely impressed by the event, was proud of me, and appreciated my attention to detail. Tell me... what more could an employee ask for?

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My bestest, estest, estest friend came by with her fiancé to see me last weekend, and we had the blastest time in the whole wide world. Y’know, things may or may not be going so well for me, but all I need to do is hear her voice and see her, and suddenly, things just sort themselves out. In my head, at least. They’re not so bad as they used to be.

She is the best friend anyone could have. She’s most non-judgmental, and is a friend in the truest sense of the word. We’re very, very different people, and the way we operate is completely at extreme ends of the spectrum. But she fully understands where I’m coming from with everything I do, and she has always supported everything I do. Everything. I mean, she may not participate in it, but she will support me irrespective of what she thinks. Because it is important to me.

She’s seen me through my bests, and my deepest, darkest worsts. And though we don’t talk or see each other as often as we’d like to, we’re constantly updated about each others’ lives. All it takes is one sentence, and we immediately understand the entire history of the topic. She rules.

So anyway, she brought her fiancé to see me, because we had never met, and much to my delight, we got along like a house on fire. Yes, I do admit feeling a couple of twinges initially, of anxiety, that I might not have the closeness that I was used to, anymore. But meeting him dissipated all my fears, and oh boy, even brought back assurance that something like that would NEVER happen. He rocks too.

And they are WONDERFUL together. I am so utterly thrilled, and completely over the moon, and demonstrated it by jumping up and down in a disco, IN A SARI, with them.

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She may be my bestest, estest friend, but she is a walking, talking disaster where cell phones are concerned. She has lost two phones of her own, ruined my brother’s, and knelt on her fiancé’s and broken it. This trip, she called her home from mine, dropped it from the balcony of my apartment, and RUINED IT!!! The screen’s gone blank, the ringer’s dead, the keypad doesn’t work, and the damn phone doesn’t unlock. I couldn’t access my phone book, and for a couple of days, I felt really paralysed without a cell phone. I didn’t realize how dependent I was on that li’l thing…

In addition, over the past three days, the damn thing has developed a bloody disco act. There’s a loose connection with the power button, so it keeps turning itself on and off. Stupid maniacal disco phone.

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And because the damn thing didn’t work, I had to contact a friend in Chennai, through another friend in Delhi. I tell you, thank goodness for email.

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I’m off traveling on a much-needed break this weekend, and guess what? Another of my closest friends is coming down as well. He moved up north a while ago, and we’ve missed each other so much, because we never had much a relationship over the phone anyway. Irrespective of how late it got, twice a week he’d stop by home, and either pick me up for a cigarette and coffee somewhere, or we’d just stay home in my room yakking nineteen to the dozen. My partying began with him, because he’s the only one my parents would let me stay out late with initially.

He’s promised me one entire day with him, and I’m over the moon. Yes, my tongue is going to lose some weight this weekend. And yea, he’s the ONLY person in the world who’s seen me completely pissed drunk. *grin*

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And of course, needless to mention, I will be seeing the Sultan of Swing live. Sometimes, when life hands you a plum, all you got to do is relish it.

Mmmm…. Like this. I tell ya, I LOVE my life!!
