Wednesday, December 29, 2004

She bites the dust

My bestest, estest, estest friend has found herself a man! Not just any man, mindja... she's found herself a man she wants to marry. This is very, very exciting news for me, as the two of us have literally seen each other through everything.

Her grandpa died, I was there; my dog died, she was there; we got university gold medals, we were there. Her family is the kind that sleeps early and wakes up deathly early, so everytime she goes out partying, she stays over at my house. This is quite a judge of closeness, considering EVEN I DON'T LIVE IN MY HOUSE ANYMORE!!

Oh, did I forget to mention we live in different cities?

So anyway, this friend (let's call her BF for Best Friend, shall we? Or would you think of BF as BoyFriend? Too bad, anyway. BF it is.) So BF met her fiancee through her band - she's a bassist in a rock band, and her fiancee is the band manager. He fell in love with her immediately, and asked her to marry him TWO DAYS AFTER THEY MET!!

She turned him down immediately, scoffed at him and the idea of marriage, and then laughed about it to me. We spent many a pleasant hour bitching about him. However, to be fair to me (who had never met him and still hasn't) I once asked her if she'd even consider it. To which I believe her exact response was an indignant "Even if you pay me, I won't marry him."

Well, well, well... how the mighty fell. They kept in touch, she realised what kind of person he was, and last week, asked him if the offer was still open.

But this guy is stupendously right for her, and does wonders to and for her. I have spoken to him several times after the happy announcement last week, and we get along famously. Truth be told, I think I scare him a little, but since I get that reaction from most people, I'll let it pass.

So anyway, joy and cheer and happiness and excitement and enthusiasm and even ecstasy are in the air. Goes with the season, donnit?

(Clapping my hands in glee and jumping around the place) Yayyy!!!
