Friday, April 15, 2005

Mannequin on the move

Over the past three days, I have spent more time on my hair and face, than I ever have in my entire lifetime.

About two weeks ago, I was requested to pose for a couple of snaps for a chain of beauty parlours, because of the way my hair looked. Despite my immense fright of the camera, I agreed then, little knowing that it was going to be such a large-scale affair. The entire thing had seven professional models (from Bangalore, Chennai and Mumbai), and involved extensive shooting of different “looks” and attitudes for the camera. And then there was me. (gulp)

On Tuesday, my hair was trimmed a bit, styled, and highlighted with copper streaks. (Aside: the next day, the colour resembled henna-ed white hair, but it’s settled now, phew) I am pleased to say that what they did was not far from what I already have on my head, which I take to mean that I naturally sport the “attitude” they chose me for. (grin - cheap thrills)

And my shoot was yesterday.

Modelling has got to be the most mind-numbingly, excruciatingly boring profession in the history of mankind (though I can think of others that come pretty close) My day began at 6:30 am, ended at 6:30 pm, and involved two hours of make up (what magic those few little boxes and brushes can create!) an hour of hair setting, and several hours in front of the camera, posing.

The two most dreaded words: Act natural.

I must admit I felt pretty pampered though. There were always two people hovering around me – one with a can of hair-spray, and the other with a make-up sponge. And people tending to your every need, offering you pretty clothes to change into, straws to drink your water with, etc. Even if I was on four-inch heels, sticking various parts of my body out, and grinning just so every two minutes… it was rather cool.

My co-model was a total hottie, established already in this field. Completely my “type”, and so utterly gorgeous in the formals he was sporting. Mmm…! And we got on well too, so heh heh. However, the rest of the people in the fashion industry leave tons to be desired. I have never been in the company of so much artificiality, I swear. Darling's, air-kisses and label-throwing are rampant, ad oh yes… name dropping too. Chee.

But it seemed worth it, I think. For a brief while, I had flawless skin, perfect hair, and perfect clothes. I simply loved the way they made me look! I only saw two of the snaps that were taken of me, and they weren’t too bad. (I hope the others are better, though.) I have been warned that I will begin to get more offers now, but I will perhaps not take any of them up. This is not an industry for me.

But I am still going to be the proud owner of a bunch of awesome snaps of myself!
