Friday, March 11, 2005

He kicked off my partymania

No matter how busy the two of us were, or how late we finished work, He and I would meet up at least twice a week. If for nothing else, then for coffee and a cigarette, or even just plain ol’ conversation. We were never eloquent with each other over the phone, but seat us with each other, and you wouldn’t be able to slip a word in edge-wise.

We weren’t too alike (as I have realized is the case with most of my close friends). In fact, we were about as alike as chalk and cheese, except for our fondness for innuendo and filthy jokes. But he had a better intuition about most things, than most women do. He’s warned me months in advance about things (and people) that hurt me months later, and the reasons they would happen too. I’m slightly ashamed to say he was mostly right, and I’m more than slightly amazed that I wasn’t able to see that angle (in things) and that side (of people) earlier.

Anyway, so shortly after I shifted towns, he shifted towns as well, and swollen living expenses, and our history of a nearly phone-less relationship, prevented sufficient contact.

But this weekend, he was back where he belonged, and so was I. And of course things hadn’t changed. Yay! He still picked me up, and although we did go out with friends the first day we were in town, we managed to get some alone time the next night. At one am. (grin. Some things will never change)

And we hugged and talked our hearts out, and all was well and happy with the world once more. His sagely advice to me this trip?

Just purse your lips and spit. Hard.”

You see why we’re so close?
