Friday, March 11, 2005

The Show Story. Continued.

The strangest thing, the most pleasing thing, and the most glorious thing about the show are the same thing. I went alone. Yea, you heard right, I went alone. All the fun I had, I had alone. It is a different fact that right next to me happened to be my brother’s three closest friends, but I was still alone.

What pleases me the most? I had an awesome time.

** ~ **

After the show, I just bumped into tons and tons and tons of people I know. People from Hyderabad, Kerala, Chennai, Bangalore, Goa, even Assam! I will not deny it – it felt good to be meeting so many people at a concert. After all, what is the likelihood of meeting so many people you know, while being squashed in a crowd of twenty thousand?

Knopfler Night: Significant Bumps

~ One of my best dancing partners ever. Hot, tall guy, who moves like a dream, and whisks me around like I weigh twenty grams.

~ Famous, sleazy reporter who I had briefly worked with in theatre productions earlier. Accompanied by ugly wife.

~ Ex-boss lady who I loved and who loved me back while we worked together. Was largely responsible for my rapid professional ascent, and who seems intent on spending many, many thousands of rupees to get herself to look uglier and more horrendous each day. She currently sports orange and red striped hair – she resembles a blushing Garfield!

~ Ex-Super-Boss. Famous Man, with not even half the attitude problems that even I have. Awesome guy who always calls me before a concert, with free passes of highest denomination. Don’t I really luck out?

~ Brother’s best friend of yester-years, who continues to believe I am three years old, in shorts and a tee, and two fat pigtails down my back, and who seemed shocked to see me in my short-haired glory, almost his height and nearly thrice his girth.

~ Brother’s close friend, who asked me to stand with him and his friends during the show, and who accused me of ruining his chances of finding his true love at the concert, seeing as I took him up on his offer and stood by him all evening.

~ Very swanky Chennai hotel owner, who I have met a couple of times here, but who seemed to be over the moon to see me that evening.

~ Two friends from Chennai who I was supposed to go the show with, but who never called me and who were unreachable because their phones don’t have roaming, and therefore who I didn’t go with to the show.

Knopfler Night: Most Significant Bump

Fish Guy (His story later). Let it suffice to say I know why I acted the way I did around him. I have a feeling that with a little time and a little effort, he can have me turning somersaults again, each time he snaps his fingers. And pardon my ego, but there was a reaction – a positive reaction – on the other end of the line too.

A brief conversation, a we-mean-to-be-quick-but-we-can-hold-on-just-that-few-seconds-extra hug and a sneaked-in whiff of his glorious neck later, we were both on our respective ways once more. And yes, I smiled inside for the next day.
