Tuesday, April 12, 2005


The worst discontent is the kind you cannot place your finger on. Which makes you feel guilty, ashamed and ungrateful for feeling it. It’s a disquiet that none but yourself can identify as discontent.

The worst loneliness is the kind you feel when you’re physically with someone, but feeling seven oceans apart.

The most piercing pain is the kind that stabs your eyelids and the bridge of your nose, when tears are cliff-hangingly close, but refuse to fall.

The worst regret is to know that you could’ve, but didn’t.

The toughest, most effective obstacle to anything is you.

The most tearing decision is between doing what you need to, and doing what you want to.

The bravest thing is donning cheerful nonchalance when every part of you wants to either explode, or just collapse.

Ironically, the best compliment is when you’re told you’ve never looked happier, as you emerge after crying inside the bathroom.

But the best thing about hitting rock bottom is that there’s nowhere to go but up. Hopefully.
