Thursday, June 16, 2005


Sorry for the long silences. There has been just way too much happening here, and I have scarcely had time to breathe, let alone blog. I realize that I have been recalcitrant, but I will try not to let that happen again.

Truth be told, I was also toying with the idea of completely shutting this place down. That would’ve been the fourth blog I deleted (yea… I’ve been around in many online avatars, for quite a while!) and it would have been for the same reasons as earlier. But there also was a part of me that did not want to shut shop, just because. So I have been writing off and on, but simply not posting.

And then of course, there was the Grand Illness. Two Saturdays ago, I began to feel a bit feverish, and by the time night fell, I had a 101 degree temperature. The next day, my throat began to hurt, and my fever went up to 103. I slept and slept, barely able to lift even a little finger.

We assumed it was only a viral fever, and so only fed me paracetemol… but when the fever shot up to 104 on Monday evening, and stayed that way through Tuesday, I decided to see a doc. Oh… I wasn’t able to do anything about it earlier, because I didn’t have leave at work – yea… I worked through the pounding head, throbbing eyes and aching body.

Anway, so the doc said I had Follicular Tonsilitis, a resultant nasal block, and several other big words that I couldn’t comprehend through the fever. He said it would’ve been interesting to mark the progress of my fever, because “it would’ve touched remarkable heights”, and he nearly dropped his glasses when he heard that I had managed to work through a 104 degree fever.

Whatever. In the state I was in, I was hardly interested in news about setting and breaking records. So he put me on supremely high medication – I have been on over 1500 mg of antibiotics for over ten days… till this morning.

That last week was awful. My stomach growled but I couldn’t eat because swallowing hurt. I would literally weep in pain at every meal. And talking, resting, sleeping, swallowing, even just being hurt. I discovered what excruciating pain was, and it was not pleasant.

But I’m much better now, and am back to work after two days off last week. The throat still hurts, the body still aches, and the eyes still throb. But I feel a little healthier, and certainly a lot thinner. So I guess the silver lining really does exist!!

And yes, I’m back to blogging as well, seeing as I’m to the full-time-internet environment. So be prepared for a deluge of posts, and boring stuff that I wrote over the past few days. Stories include : The Red Carpet, Moving Tales, Work Pressures, Hot Men, and yea… the Tag Quiz from Ad astra per aspera.

So see y’all later!
