Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I Could Get Dooced For This

But then again, it can't be possible to fire an employee after they resign, no? Ha ha... I'm hugging my little secret to myself, and thoroughly enjoying looking at people around me slog their arses off in this shithole.

It is possible to manage office politics. It is possible to manage errant colleagues. It is possible to manage a leering superior. It is possible to manage hierarchical egos. It is even possible to manage your work when every project is a new challenge.

However, and I do stress this, it is not possible to manage ALL of these together. Or maybe it's just me. Perhaps I'm the stupid one, to expect a company not to fudge client statistics, to expect superiors to actually manage their team, to expect the company to take precedence over personal egos, to expect that professionalism is what matters. Ha - stupid, naive, idealistic me.

I don't have another job. I don't have future plans. I don't have a clue as to which direction I'm headed in. I don't even have the assurance of money to sustain me for a really long period of time.

I do believe that I am making the right decision, that I can henceforth sleep easy at night, and that in its characteristic strange way, cosmic justice will prevail. Perhaps there are lessons to be learnt from this, and I will not learn that till the present becomes a hindsight.

But a clear conscience is my softest pillow.
