Wednesday, December 29, 2004


And then of course, there was the time I got into theatre. As in, the first time I got into theatre. I was absolutely overwhelmed by the number of nubile, young men that hadn't been introduced to me yet. And since this was but two men after my relationship with my riding instructor, the ability to hold a conversation with me was still a huge bonus.

My first production was filled with everything a young, impressionable girl should not be exposed to - blood, gore, violence, foul language, sex, and the like. It was also filled with men that quite took my breath away. I was like a kid in a candy store, wide-eyed with all the wonder I saw around me. Articulation! Intelligence! Good looks! C O N V E R S A T I O N !!! Mommy!! I waaaaaant!!!

And from in between all that despicable spillage of fake blood, there he emerged. Dimpled, curly hair, boyish, dignified, and oh-so-good-looking.

It took me three days to pick up my jaw, and even when I finally fixed it back in place, it kept tripping us up while we jived together. Yes - him and me.

He was the funnest man I've been with. We'd laugh, read, discuss books, watch movies, go out dancing a HELLUVA lot, and generally do many crazy things. I've even sat astride behind him on his bike WEARING A SARI!! And oh yea, we could talk.

Then some months later, he wanted to progress past the kissing and cuddling. And you know what he said??? "I hope you're ok with moving from being just buddies to fuck buddies"

Ohhhh-kaaaaaaaaay. Now,

1. Friends don't spend every waking minute of five months with each other.

2. Friends certainly don't kiss a LOT of the time.

3. And fuck buddies??? Who says that?? You're supposed to only think that term!

So, bastion of Brahminism that I am, I politely declined his oh-so-irresistible offer. In any case, he had terribly smelly armpits even through his clothes - I'd have hated to experience those with no barrier.

Yea we're still buddies, and hell, he's still one of my best dancing partners. Incidentally, he's just engaged to be married. On his wedding day, I'm going armed with a gift of cologne and deo. That is considered a wedding gift, because I'm doing it for his wife as much as I am for him.

My friends and I still refer to him as my 'Play'boy.
